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Damir Globočnik / 50 let Kabineta slovenske fotografije

Damir Globočnik / 50 let Kabineta slovenske fotografije

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The establishment of the KSF is linked to the rich photographic tradition of Kranj, which dates back from the photographic pioneers Janez Puhar (1814-1864) and Christian Paier (1839-1895) to the first photographic club in the town (founded in December 1910), and to the current interest in photography and photographic exhibition activities.

The Cabinet was created with the wish to preserve the best works of Slovenian photography in one place. It was to become the home institution for Slovenian photographers. Its main tasks are: to foster interest in Slovenian photography, to research its history, to monitor photographic activity, to present photographic achievements publicly in the form of exhibitions, to record and collect photographs and archival and documentary material in the field of photography. The collection has been built up through donations, purchases and reprints of original negatives or reproductions of published photographs. The KSF inventory book contains 1685 photographs. In addition to these, the KSF collection also includes major donations by photographers Janek Skerlep (358 photographs, 2580 glass plate negatives, 7549 negatives and contact prints, 7391 slides), Stojan Kerbler, Janek Andrej Jelnikar (the entire oeuvre of colour slides), Marjan Smerket, Stanet Klemenec (the oeuvre of mountaineering and travel photography) and Boštjan Gunčar. In 2014, the Museum purchased the photographic legacy of Franc Ferjan, which was included in the KSF collection (518 photographs).

Text: Damir Globočnik
Language: Slovenian
Size: 30 x 21 cm, 191 pages
Binding: hardback
Publisher: Galerija Prešernovih nagrajencev Kranj, 2021
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